DeafDigest - 08 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 8, 2015 morning   -- a nation that has no deaf kindergartens Many nations have special kindergartens for deaf infants. One such country has no such kindergarten for these deaf infants. It is North Korea. This nation bad for the deaf? Don't know - but it has schools for the deaf and has sent a deaf soccer team to play against Australia's national deaf team.   -- a huge corporation keeps a promise with the deaf Apple made an important promise last year - that its famous iTunes will all have captions. To carry out that promise, Apple is removing all iTunes from its files that are not captioned. Good or Bad? Well, it means that if a full length movies has a non-captioned iTunes, that movie will be removed. Does not matter if just a tiny part of the movie was not captioned. Just like burning down a big barn just to get rid of one small rat!     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   7/05/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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