DeafDigest - 08 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 8, 2016   -- a special coffee house Starbucks at the I-10 and Yale, in Houston, TX is quite something special. It has three deaf baristas plus a supervisor that knows ASL, plus a hearing barista that is an interpreter. How do they handle these very complicated coffee orders? Note pads, lipreading and gestures. Almost all the time they do not need help from the barista interpreter. Regular patrons already know signs for thank you, cold, hot, more whip cream, etc. If DeafDigest editor was at that Starbucks location, he would just fingerspell - P I K E and use the sign for black, instead of just pointing at the Pike canister. A picture is at:     -- the danger of too many ADA lawsuits An economist that specializes in cost-factor of these ADA lawsuits said that if more college video captioning lawsuits continue then there is a risk. It is that these universities may stop videos - for all - not just deaf but hearing. If this happens, everyone loses!     -- CI with noise suffering or no CI with no noise suffering A CI user said that getting an implant gave him an unpleasant result - suffering from these noises in restaurants, bars and other social gatherings. As a result, he stops going to these social events and just stays home.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- hog farmer 07/03/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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