DeafDigest - 08 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 8, 2020 -- Walmart may offer something free that is not deaf-friendly Walmart is seriously thinking of offering free drive-in movies at their own parking lots. Open captions for the deaf? This matter was not discussed in their announcement. Walmart is sometimes good to the deaf; Walmart is sometimes not good to the deaf. We shall see if their free drive-ins are open captioned!   -- deaf trying to open combination lock safes There was a story that hearing people, with superior sense of hearing, can open up combination lock safes, after listening for these clicks. This story also said this method will not work for the deaf. DeafDigest has known of deaf locksmiths. Are they able to open up these safes?   -- percentage wars We have many tech groups trying to develop sign language gloves, possibly each thinking their such glove is the only one of its kind in the world! One would say their glove is 98 percent accurate; another one would say their glove is 99 percent accurate, and so on. Percentages? Is it possible that the one saying it is 98 percent accurate may say it is 99 percent accurate on their next testing, and also those saying 99 percent may go down to 98 percent, too.     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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