DeafDigest - 08 July 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 08, 2021 -- a role-playing game Sign is a role-playing game, evolved from efforts to teach sign language in Nicaragua years ago. This game is being played at the Dover Public Library in New Hampshire. It is designed for people that know nothing about sign language but want to learn it.   -- taking advantage of deaf inmate A deaf inmate and hearing inmate shared the same holding cell in a jail in North Carolina. The detention officer, not following procedure, shouted the name of the deaf inmate that was to be released. The hearing inmate quickly took advantage and claimed his faked identity and was released. The deaf inmate was left behind in the jail. When the detention officials realized the goof, he was quickly caught. In due time, same day, the deaf inmate was released.   -- some health officials don't carefully read A deaf woman, wanting an appointment with a medical health center, put down on her form - please send me appointment notification by text. Repeatedly over through several months, she was notified by voice and not by text. She has now taken this issue with a local newspaper help service and follow up is being done.   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/04/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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