DeafDigest - 08 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 8, 2017   -- deaf person working near the London terror attack Everytime there is a big public emergency, we always wonder about the deaf people at the scene. There was one - Alexandru Barabasa. He was working at a small restaurant as the bartender. He was doing restaurant errands and chores when the London attack took place.  He caught a glimpse of these terrorists, brandishing their weapons, but said they didn't see him. All of a sudden police officers came to the restaurant, ordered everyone out and led them to safety. His picture is at:   -- More on Facebook Live captions It was mentioned that anyone can caption Facebook Live if they had proper captioning software. More likely it will be the bigger (hearing) media outlets that will do these "perfect" captions since they have these captioning resources. What about people at home that want to caption their Facebook Live videos? If they use these auto-caption resources, there will be garbling. If they do the captions themselves, it will take a lot of time, maybe hours and hours just to do a few minutes of captions.   -- FCC says some deaf people still use Model 15 TTY machines Model 15 TTY machines, already obsolete, was used by many deaf people during the sixties and seventies. Nowadays few deaf people use TTYs since we use the social media and emails for communication purposes. The FCC just issued an announcement wanting to make sure that the telephone lines are still compatible with these old TTY machines!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- captioning glasses or captioning device 6/04/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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