DeafDigest - 08 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 8, 2018   -- deaf in Antiques Roadshow cable TV program it was learned that Antiques Roadshow will feature the works of the late Florence Attwood, a deaf toymaker who made toys for several toymaking companies. Rosie Benn, who is deaf, will be on the program, showing the toymaker's works. It is also understood that one can watch the program through Facebook. A picture is at:   -- list of horrors at holding cell A deaf woman was arrested because of public intoxication. At the police station holding cell, the guard would not turn face to allow her to lipread; the guard ignored her request to go to the bathroom; ignored her pleas for easier communications; was roughed up by the guards; placed a bag over her face preventing her from seeing through it; told her to relieve herself, while sitting on the holding cell bench instead of going to bathroom; she was allowed one telephone call and she called her mother, but asked for voice interpreter and was turned down. As a result, she has filed a lawsuit. Why not an interpreter? She does not use sign language. It took place in Travis County in Texas.   -- very deaf-unfriendly device Amazon has announced a new hands-free Alexa device for streaming TV programs. Hearing users can shout - to turn on TV or to change channels - or to look for a certain program. What about the deaf with no speech skills? Out of luck. Product discrimination? Very much so yes!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- students unaware of teacher's deafness 06/03/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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