DeafDigest - 08 May 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 8, 2015 morning -- Maryland judge grants a peace order against a deaf abuser Ivan Shevchenko was banned as a participant with a deaf video group. Angry, he threatened Tayler Mayer, the deaf video group owner with violence. As a result, Tayler obtained a peace order, warning Ivan to stay away or face arrest.   -- a deaf bartender deals with hard to understand hearing patrons Toronto deaf bartender Amanda Grundy was recently interviewed by a newspaper reporter about her job. A big question was communications with the hearing patrons and hearing staff. She said some know ASL, some use notes, some use iPads, and some use gestures. And mirrors are important in the bar, because it allows deaf employees to observe who is walking behind them, and to avoid accidents. this is for DeafDigest twitter and facebook subscribers only past Mid-Week editions: 5/03/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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