DeafDigest - 08 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 8, 2018 -- a possible scary situation with the cops There was a big story of a hearing man buying candy at a convenience store, and was almost arrested by a police officer. The officer, wearing plain clothes, thought it was a theft of candy. It is scary if it happened to a deaf person! What if the police officer screamed behind a deaf person's back, thinking he stole the candy? Just too scary. A picture is at:   -- cannot read or write The World Health Organization, which is part of the United Nations, said that almost 80 percent of the deaf all over the world, cannot read or write. True or false? Don't know as DeafDigest editor is always wary of statistics that look too bad to be true!   -- mocking the deafness of a famous person There was a story today about Comedy Central people mocking Marlee Matlin's deafness. Two examples: Seth McFarlane crudely imitating a deaf person with deaf actress Marlee Matlin (watching him) and Everyone mocked Matlin's deafness DeafDigest is not laughing. It is not funny.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Bell vs Edison 05/06/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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