DeafDigest - 08 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 8, 2019 -- new ideas for deaf sending emergency 911 texts A group of deaf people told the director of the Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch (South Carolina) that they would be comfortable sending a picture of an accident and the location of the accident instead of having to key in these words. The director said it was a great idea and is hoping the photo-sending could be part of the next 911-text generation.   -- not setting up funds for interpreters in budgets Many deaf people are members of the Home Owners' Associations (HOA). Board of directors of HOA's are responsble for setting up budgets to fund operations and activities. How many of these HOA's (with deaf owners) would set up funds in the budgets for interpreters? Probably very few, or possibly none! And when deaf people demand interpreters, there is no money in the budget. This has led to some cases of bitternesses between the deaf and the HOA boards.   -- free lance deaf fashion designer Fashion design is a competitive, cut-throat business. Not easy to find a full time job in this field, but for Farah Nadhirah Kordy, a deaf Pakistan woman, she found a different way towards success. She became a free lancer, traveling to different nations - Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Indonesia, Belgium, Thailand and India and was able to get these free lance designing jobs. While these jobs were not full time, she was able to earn income from these assignments.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/05/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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