DeafDigest - 08 November 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 8, 2017   -- deaf fraud at a medical school A physician got into trouble for getting his daughter admitted to a medical school, saying that she is deaf. The Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (India) had a quota that allowed a limited number of deaf medical students. It was much easier for her to get admitted if she was certified as deaf. When the medical school found out about the faked deafness, they kicked her out of program. A picture is at:   -- a problem with voice to text computers We read about these voice to text computers that would help the deaf with communications. Well, there was a serious issue with these computers. Background noise will affect these translations. So, if we want an accurate translation, it must be made in a quiet room!   -- a new bill in Congress may weaken the ADA There is a new bill in Congress - ADA Education and Reform Act. The title is misleading; it would "forgive" businesses that tried for years to follow the ADA but couldn't. It is hard to believe that there are continuing efforts to weaken the ADA.   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- a fact with Dancing With the Stars! 11/05/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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