DeafDigest - 08 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 8, 2018 -- deaf candidate wins a local election Matthew Sampson, who is deaf and represents the Democratic Socialists of America political party, was elected as an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in the District of Columbia. His job is to collect complaints and issues from ward residents for action and review by the DC council and government. Examples are road potholes, uncollected trash, unfair parking tickets, neighborhood harrasment, etc. It is believed he is the first deaf candidate to win an election of any kind in the District of Columbia.   -- The National Hotline for Voter Complaints and the deaf The National Hotline for Voter Complaints said it received more than 20,000 complaints during the Election Day. Many of the complaints came from the deaf.   -- deaf people moving away from small towns There have been some deaf people moving away from small towns. Reason? Lonely social lives? No! Lack of employment opportunities? No! Big reason is lack of interpreters. Even with video relay services and video remote interpreting, deaf people prefer one on one interpreting, not easily available in small towns but more available in bigger cities.     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/04/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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