DeafDigest - 08 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 8, 2018   -- a hearing employer grateful to have deaf employees A hearing employer has several deaf employees. He said he was grateful to have them. They come to work and do the job. Hearing employees? Forget it, he said. They don't show up on time; they take time off without advance notice; they don't work hard.   -- strange promise by a national park in Rwanda There are gorillas at the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. The park staff said they give extra special attention to deaf tourists. Extra special attention? Not sure what it means - an interpeter fluent in tourists' sign language; or a tourist guide gesturing to the deaf; or deaf tourists just given printed scripts of guide's speech? So, vague, the park is.   -- understanding and not understanding the interpreter A deaf man was arrested. He was given an interpeter; he said he understood what the interpreter was saying. But in the court room, this same deaf person said he did not understand the interpreter, meaning he also did not understand his rights. Is he telling the truth or just faking it in hopes of avoiding a jail sentence. This is the issue the judge, the prosecutor and the attorney are fighting over.   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/07/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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