DeafDigest - 08 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 8, 2020 -- deaf can hear without CI or hearing aid The 'Monsterland' Episode 3 (on Hulu network) has featured Annie, who became deaf because of an unfortunate incident. Later on, she suddenly hears music and footsteps. At this point, the program ends! Realistic or not realistic?   -- Google going into a new Deaf Project Google is trying to detect sign language shown in some videos - hoping it can help communicate with hearing people whose knowledge of sign language is zero. Requires some very high level engineering and programming knowledge.   -- frustrations of non-ASL deaf professor in hearing college A deaf professor, who is non-ASL, is being frustrated by COVID-19. He depends on lip reading of students in his classes, and is not able to get closer to them to read their lips. As a result, his students ask him less questions and offer less comments.   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/04/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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