DeafDigest - 08 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 8, 2014   -- the most popular film is a deaf film Going on right now is the Toronto International Film Festival. Already there is one film that has become the most popular one to watch during this festival. It is a deaf film that has no dialogue, no subtitles and no voiceovers and has a lot of sign language. It was planned that way by the film director. People watching this film said it is easy to follow the story.   -- a surprise deaf job We have had deaf individuals that wanted to become paramedics but were not able to do so because of discrimination against the deaf everywhere in the world. Yet, it is surprising to find Richard Webb Stevens, a deaf man, making a living as a paramedic in Harrow, which is part of the Greater London metro area! He recently gave a workshop on first aid at a club for the deaf.   -- a missed deadline because of a hearing aid A business executive needed permission from his boss to agree to an important deal with another company. Deadline was coming up real soon. The boss, who was hard of hearing, was on vacation with his wife. The hearing aid broke down and he was not able to use the voice cell phone to reach his business executive. He tried to use his text pager but his wife would not allow it, as she didn't want their vacation to be interrupted. As a result, the deal went dead because of this bad hearing aid!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 09/07/14 Blue edition at: 09/07/14 Gold edition at:

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