DeafDigest - 08 September 2019

DeafDigest Blue - September 8, 2019
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
While Matthew Johnston, a deaf Briton, was said
to be the first deaf person to serve on jury,
there were others that disagreed. They said
other deaf people served on the jury but did
not get the publicity that Johnson had.
A big college said that Student Disability
Services is one of the busiest departments
on the campus. A director said staff members
may have as many as 100 students to oversee.
Nyle DiMarco will be one of the featured
speakers during University at Buffalo’s 2019-20
Distinguished Speakers Series.
The state of Virginia is considering licensing
ASL interpreters.
The FCC has extended more time for comments
on how the quality of captions could be
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    A deaf woman has a good job as a hairdresser in a small
Kentucky town.
    Her boss was friends with the deaf woman's mother and knew
what deafness was all about.
    This was not the reason the deaf woman was hired. The reason
was her "perfect body language" while communicating with hair salon
customers and while working on their hairs.
    Many hearing women have bad body language and they were
quickly fired. Not that deaf woman!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
A deaf friend was having a difficult conversation
with a hearing friend
The deaf person thought the hearing person said:
he is shoes Jeff
The hearing person actually said"
he is sous chef
This week's ASL video in youtube
    At a London restaurant, a hearing human resources
person and a hearing job applicant, was having a
breakfast interview. It was at a table next to
DeafDigest editor's table.
    The interview was very, very long - relaxed conversation
with questions and answers, etc.
    Would this same thing happen with a deaf applicant,
an interpreter and a hearing human resources person?
    Doubt it. The human resources person would probably
hurry the interview and have a short and quick breakfast!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
When I speak to people about captioning, I find that many people still do
not understand the difference between offline and realtime captioning.
They think a captioner is a captioner and that all captioners do the same
There is a big difference between offline and realtime captioners. They
use totally different skills to complete their assignments.
Offline captioning is also called post-production captioning. This is the
process of adding captioning to a prerecorded show.
Realtime captioning is also called online captioning or live captioning.
This captioning is performed "live" as an event is actually happening.
There are a number of factors that add to the confusion about captioners.
One of those factors is that many companies provide both offline and
realtime captioning, but usually different people are performing these
Another factor that is causing confusion is that sometimes people are
adding realtime captions to programs that have been prerecorded.
Unfortunately, this is not an ideal situation. Some people may find it
more cost effective, but it is not fair to the caption viewers who must
tolerate the realtime mistakes because a captioner did not have a chance
to go back and fix any errors that were made in realtime.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
    For many years the late Jerald Jordan, the president
of the governing body that oversees the Deaflympics,
had this boast - that Deaflympics are above international
    Not any more. Taiwan is using our Deaflympics to try
to show the world they are capable of hosting international
athletic events. And China is not being represented in
today's opening ceremony, out of anger over Dalai Lama
visiting Taiwan.
    At least we, the deaf, are no longer immune to ugly
hearing politics!
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
North Korea friendly to the deaf? A group of deaf
people from Japan, the Netherlands and Singapore
visited the world's most oppressive Communist
nation and was given the royal treatment! It was
part of The International Exchange Meeting
program in Pyongyang.
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Copyright 2019 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

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