DeafDigest - 09 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 9, 2015   -- an amazing thing about Dummy Hoy many didn't know We all know that Dummy Hoy was a successful major league baseball player. He played baseball at Ohio School for the Deaf before becoming a professional ball player. What was so amazing about this story? He was not the only professional baseball player to come from his deaf school. Coach Parley Pratt sent six other deaf players to professional baseball!   -- deaf chef vs hearing chefs in a cooking competition The Cambridge University Culinary Competition took place recently in England. It is an annual event, which started in 1961, a big one that all chefs look forward to. Few days ago Jenny Young, who is deaf, and never competed against professonal chefs, won this event. As part of her meal, she prepared roast chicken breast, fondant potatoes, pea puree, pancetta and pea fricassee, sautéed baby onions, and Madera jus. The judges loved it and voted her the best. Hopefully soon, she will become a Celebrity Chef on these TV food shows.   -- Ford to challenge Uber and Lyft DeafDigest has mentioned that private cab companies are hiring deaf drivers. It was learned that Ford is entering the private cab business, challenging Uber and Lyft. The big question is - will Ford hire deaf drivers?   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 4/05/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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