DeafDigest - 09 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 9, 2018 -- the bank teller and the deaf One bank teller deals with deaf customers often. They always give her notes about their bank transaction needs. One day she was given a note, and she assumed the person was deaf. She was wrong - as it was a bank robbery note! A picture is at:   -- a common newspaper complaint A common complaint with a big city newspaper was that it carried too many, really too many, hearing aid ads!   -- DC Starbucks was not the first one There was a big story in the newspapers about Starbucks setting up an all ASL-staff at new Starbucks 15 minutes walk from the Gallaudet campus. While it is USA's first all-signing Starbucks staff, it is not the first one in the world. The honor goes to the Starbucks at Bangsar Village II in Malaysia. It was founded two years ago and is now celebrating its 2nd anniversary.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Case manager duties 08/05/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:     In the video below: learn more about SSP services in Pennsylvania Healthbridges is a website designed to raise awareness about resources for people who are Deaf, DeafBlind or Hard of hearing and for Professionals who work with these communities Don't forget to Like us on Facebook  

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