DeafDigest - 09 December 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 9, 2019 -- early-born hearing screening test is not always perfect There was an article in the web site hosted by the Infectious Diseases in Children. It said that failed screens do not always show that the baby is deaf, and even worse, babies that "pass" these tests may still have hearing loss. The grandchild of DeafDigest editor went through two or three hearing tests just to make sure he is hearing!   -- hearing actor listening to the deaf Ryan Reynolds, not deaf, is an actor/model. He was in a Peloton video that went viral. A deaf woman was disappointed that the video had no captions. Using the social media she made contact with him - telling him that his videos must be captioned. Just almost immediately, it was captioned. Just like that. Just that easy. Many hearing actors do not, however, listen to the deaf! But Reynolds did.   -- a video showing a bullied deaf student A group of high school students bullied a deaf student. What they did not know was that the video went viral. The school district, which does not tolerate bullying is looking into this issue in order to decide on the punishment of these hearing students.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/08/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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