DeafDigest - 09 February 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 9, 2021 -- a village's two unusual things about sign language Adamrobe is a tiny village in Ghana of 1400 hearing and 30 deaf residents. It is unusual for two reasons - deaf population was about 140 in the early sixties; the village chief made it a rule that deaf cannot marry another deaf - in an effort to bring down the deaf population. For better or worse, this is the reason deaf population is lower nowadays. Second reason is that sign language is used by all residents, both deaf and hearing. In Martha's Village, hearing people sometimes (not all the time) used signs with other hearing people.   -- a grammar that is alive What is alive grammar? Deaf people watch the interpreters' faces for facial expressions and for lipreading, while at the same time watching the signs. Alive grammar is sometimes called facial grammar.   -- AI (artificial intelligence) and the deaf danger Many social media platforms use AI (artificial intelligence) to trap bad words and bad phrases, but for the deaf, it may trap the "bad" word and may block it from being posted. An example would be - "I am a woman who is deaf" and the AI may think it is a bad phrase that would be insulting. AI engineers are very aware of it and are hard at work improving on better formulas to know the difference between "I am a woman who is deaf" (good) and "he is tone-deaf" (bad)   Deaf jobs - latest update 02/07/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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