DeafDigest - 09 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 9, 2017   -- Seattle Times story about the cash register The Seattle Times printed a comment about the cash register and the deaf. See the picture at   -- big irony with a deaf businessman Mark Wafer, who is deaf, owns seven Tim Hortons (like our Dunkin' Donuts) in Canada and hires the deaf. As a kid growing up, he wanted to play soccer, but was not allowed. People in his home town town thought soccer was too dangerous for the deaf. The irony is that he was allowed to race cars, and he did for few years!   -- TV network for the deaf Karen Graham, former Atlanta TV news anchor, is planning to start a deaf ASL TV network. In case one is wondering, it is not the first-time deaf ASL TV network. The honor goes to the Silent Network which started in 1979. It merged with the Americas Disability channel to become Kaleidoscope Television in 1990. Five years later it became a 24-hour channel. When it closed in 2000, Davideo restarted it in 2000 and it continues under the direction of David Pierce (DeafDigest's Old Fogey cartoonist). One can read the history at:     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- cost of accommodating the deaf 1/08/17 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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