DeafDigest - 09 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 9, 2020 -- a comment about closed captioning is shocking Woody Paige, not deaf, participates in these crazy ESPN talk shows. He is well-known for writing crazy comments on the small blackboards that are shown on TV. He wrote: Pay no attention to closed captioning. Misquotes are here DeafDigest editor is not sure if he is talking about these captioning goofs or something else?     -- the weirdest customer complaint ever All employees deal with crazy customer demands, requests and complaints. It comes with the job. One clothing store employee said the craziest complaint she had to deal with was this - a hearing customer complained about no deaf devices in the dressing/fitting room when she wanted to try on new clothes!   -- captioned news, good or bad TV stations in Minneapolis said the city meetings and events will be captioned. Great? Well, they said the captioning will be automated. This means city saves money but with more errors with these automated captions. Is that great or not so great?     Deaf jobs - latest update 01/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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