DeafDigest - 09 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 9, 2014     -- Australia to find out if deaf can serve on jury Australia discriminates against the deaf that want to serve on jury. There is an experiment that will take place soon. It will be a fake trial this week with everybody in the courtroom, including the fake jury that has a deaf person in it with an interpreter. This will be reviewed by people in the legal field - to see if the deaf could really serve on the real jury! Seems the Australians don't believe the Americans, which allow the deaf to serve on jury, and want to see for themselves.     -- Labor Department orders contractors to consider deaf applicants Contractors, with over 100 employees that do business with the federal government, are required to hire deaf/disabled employees equal to seven percent of its labor force. What this means is that big contractors (AT&T, Dell, Big Oil companies, etc) must hire more disabled people. Hopefully this means more deaf employees. This is a new rule that was established few months ago. So far, it is working out for the disabled, but not sure for the deaf.     -- a restaurant editor sees a big deaf trend Few days ago DeafDigest mentioned a new restaurant in Toronto that has an all-deaf staff. A newspaper food and restaurant editor said it is a new trend - of more new restaurants becoming all-deaf, not just in Asia but also in Europe as well as in USA. He pointed out that it makes sense - because deaf employees tend to stay in the same restaurant job for a long time while hearing employees tend to quit all the time.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/06/14 Blue edition at: 07/06/14 Gold edition at:

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