DeafDigest - 09 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 9, 2018 -- the Brainiest Deaf team Who is the Brainiest Deaf team? In the 2018 College Bowl that took place in Hartford, CT, some of the participating teams were Gallaudet, NTID, CSUN. Gallaudet won just by one point, capturing first championship since 2010. A picture is at:   -- Starbucks training session not perfect Starbucks just fired one of their employees for mocking a hearing person that has a problem with stuttering. DeafDigest is afraid that some day a Starbucks employee would mock a poor-speech deaf person. What is the point of having an all-afternoon training session if some hearing employees just won't show respect?   -- Silicon Valley not hiring enough deaf geniuses There was a story in a high-tech magazine about Silicon Valley not hiring enough deaf geniuses. It mentioned one genius - Vint Cerf, whose deafness may be the reason for inventing the internet. We have another deaf genius - Ken Harrenstein, but the story didn't mention him.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- suspected deaf bank robber 07/08/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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