DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 9, 2019
-- Video Relay Operator job possibly not good for sensitive person
If a person is sensitive, then applying for a job as
Video Relay operator may not be a good idea. One
relay operator said, in a newspaper story, that she
had to interpret for a job applicant who was rejected,
for a deaf drug abuser that is having rehab issues,
for an emotional deaf person with mental health issues.
-- unusual deaf hobby
Many deaf people have hobbies. One such hobby
is interesting. John Wood, who is deaf but functions
as a hearing person, collects musical records. So far
he has collected 500,000 records, all stashed in boxes
in his house from attending flea markets and swap
meets for 50 years. Does he get rich re-selling these
old musical records? He said he collects, but does
not sell! He admitted that when he goes to heaven
then disposing of these valuable records may be a problem.
-- Video Relay calls from prisons not free
According to a press release by a relay provider,
it said that FCC allows relay services to charge
deaf prisoners for video relay calls. Do hearing
prisoners pay for their voice calls? Fair or
not fair?
Deaf jobs - latest update
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