DeafDigest - 09 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 9, 2017   -- Deaf scared to sign in public in 1936 for an odd reason For a short time in 1936 Gesture Sign Language was very popular among hearing people that knew nothing about ASL. It was called Handies. The deaf people were afraid to sign in public for that reason - hearing people seeing the deaf use ASL would think it is Gesture Sign Language (Handies) and would ask them for the meaning of that ASL sign! A Handies picture is at:   -- business owned by deaf that is now 66 years old Many businesses don't last 66 years; yet one business started by a deaf man is still continuing (though under different ownership). In 1951 Michael Skropeta, who is deaf and an accomplished baker, opened The Cake Box Bakery in Pleasant Hill, California. In 1968, the business moved to Lafayette, California. At age of 80, Michael sold his business and retired because of health issues. Four years later he passed away. This business continues under the same name. What this means is that loyal customers purchasing their baked goods may not realize the bakery was started by a deaf baker!   -- most amazing candidate in an upcoming election Some deaf people run for election for a public office in an election. A few would win, but most don't. Ben Fletcher is amazing - for one reason - he is deaf-blind. He was hoping to win election as a Green Party candidate in Putney, a district in London (UK).     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Australia detains a deaf traveler 6/04/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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