DeafDigest - 09 May 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 9, 2014     -- important to look good in front of video do deaf people look good in front of video during relay calls or for chatting with friends? There have been deaf people that do not smile or look angry or show sad faces, etc, etc. Michelle Phan, not deaf and a consultant with Yahoo Video, says that many hearing people have this same problem. She suggests good lightning, right video angle, right distance with the video camera, dress well, etc. And most important of all, no profanity!         -- another deaf prison officer DeafDigest mentioned a deaf prison officer in Arizona. There is another one! He works in a warm-weather state, as he wanted his identity to be kept a secret. What does he really do? He is a tri-lingual interpreter (ASL, Spanish and English). When a deaf person enters the prison, this officer explains the rules and procedures, at the same time filling out the prison paperwork.     -- hearing aids in dangerous sports Deaf athletes in dangerous sports - football, rugby, hockey, soccer, wrestling, etc, often take off their hearing aids (and CI's). Scientists in New Zealand are working on a new hearing aid experiment They believe deaf athletes can play dangerous sports and wear hearing aids at the same time! How? Making hearing aids smaller and more invisible - that blows to the ear would not harm the player or wreck the hearing aids! Is it possible? We will see.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 05/04/14 Blue edition at: 05/04/14 Gold edition at:

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