DeafDigest - 09 May 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 9, 2016 -- a deaf chef cannot do one thing A recent DeafDigest article focused on Kristofer Jonsson, a deaf New Zealand chef who never screams at the kitchen staff. There is just one thing he cannot do - that all hearing chefs must do - handle telephone orders! His boss said: Food is food; there's no other way to chop an onion than to chop an onion Look at something blue in the picture at:   -- sign language video by a newly elected politician Newly elected London mayor Sadiq Khan was featured in a sign language video. He said, in sign language, that he has seen the deaf facing discrimination and will work hard to remove these anti-deaf barriers. In USA, will we see either Clinton or Trump promising, in sign language, to help the deaf in any which way possible? We shall see!   -- lucky because police is dumb A deaf man was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. He was convicted in the lower court. He appealed and the higher court judge threw out the conviction. The police officer, that arrested him on drunk driving, did not provide him with an interpreter. The upper court judge agreed that arrested deaf individuals, regardless of crime, must be provided with an interpreter. It did not happen in USA, but in Ireland!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- long-forgotten advocate of deaf truck drivers 05/08/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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