DeafDigest - 09 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 8, 2019   -- what to do if no money in budget for interpreters We have ADA but many groups, associations and organizations just have no money in their budgets for interpreters. What to do? Two choices - bring your own interpreter. Yes, it costs money. Second choice is to use Video Remote Interpreting. Unfortunately it also costs money and FCC does not cover it, only covers video relay services, two separate and different things. A deaf person said two choices work for him.   -- three in; 19,351 to go So far Ann Arbor (Michigan), Portland (Oregon) and Seattle have laws that require TV in public places to be captioned at all times. That means 19,351 cities and towns to go. The U.S. Census bureau said we have 19,354 "incorporated places" in USA. Long way to go? Hope not. Goal is these big cities - New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, as well as Austin, Rochester and Washington, DC (these three great cities with large deaf populations).   -- a blessing for a late-deafened person A late-deafened person said deafness is a blessing. That person said: I found out there's a whole new language and a culture that I didn’t even know about. There are so many people that I wouldn’t have met, so many things I wouldn't have experienced had I not learned about deafness. That person is correct.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/05/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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