DeafDigest - 09 November 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 9, 2011 -- Twitter comes to the rescue of the deaf in Australia Twitter has many values, including helping the deaf Australians! In USA, you watch a TV program that is supposed to be captioned, But if captions disappear, you need to make a relay call with the TV station to tell them to turn it on. but with the TV station NBN in Newcastle, New South Wales, it is different. Deaf viewers can send a twitter message to tell the TV station to turn on captions! The twitter is @nbntech. -- An embarrassing national emergency test! The FCC told everyone, the deaf included, that a national emergency test would be held last week. But two things went wrong. First, people thought it was an actual emergency, and not just a test message! Second, for us, the deaf, the test emergency warning was NOT captioned or even NOT texted. Hmm, we know this famous phrase: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry   -- A confused hard of hearing judge can be a scary judge! Judge Jamie Tabor, himself hard of hearing, of the Gloucester Crown Court (United Kingdom), was questioning a defendant, arrested because of a public incident with a police officer. The judge asked the defendant: What is your job? The defendant said something. The judge though the defendant said: I am a burglar Not believing what the defendant said, the judge asked: Did you say you were a burglar? The defendant said: No. I am a ground worker (same type of job as construction subcontractor in USA). Whew! The judge then gave the defendant a community service sentence. DeafDigest says the judge needs a CART!   -- It is piracy if bad captioning quality is improved! Yes, the FCC requires providers to caption their programs. But what if the captioning is lousy? And that the second provider removes first provider's bad captions and replaces it with better captions? The FCC would call this - piracy! Why? These complicated copyright laws. -- Comparing a Deaf House in USA and a Deaf House in Japan? What is a Deaf House in USA? Look at: What is a Deaf House in Japan? Look at: Many pictures; husband and wife are both deaf.

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