DeafDigest - 09 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 9, 2018   -- getting a refund because of driver's deafness! A passenger got into a private car service; no one told the passenger that the driver was deaf. The passenger was upset because he felt the driver was following the route on his app and did not understand the passenger's short cut routes. After realizing the driver was deaf, the passenger confronted the ride sharing company. Not wanting any problems or issues, the company gave the passenger a full refund! It took place in China. The refund was given even though the "Uber" passenger got to his destination and the ride was safe and on time.   -- Ripley's Believe it or Not says no about Dummy Hoy Baseball historians have credited Dummy Hoy for inventing the "safe" and "out" signals for umpires to use. No, not true, says Ripley's Believe it or Not, saying that umpire Bill Klem invented these safe and out signals! Who is right? Who is wrong?   -- if you go to a casino, a possible surprise One of the casino dealers is a former ASL interpreter. That interpreter would not say which casino and which city it is located. Keep in mind that a dealer, fluent in ASL, will not necessarily help you win more money!     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/04/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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