DeafDigest - 09 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 9, 2020 -- interruptions, arguments, yelling The Preidential and the Vice Presidential debates involved a lot of interruptions, arguments and yelling. One thing went wrong - deaf people knew nothing on what was going on - for one reason - no interpreters! Captions, yes, but again, no interpreters. Whose fault - very easy - the Commission on Presidential Debates.   -- a big Netflix question Deaf U is already a media sensation. Everyone talks about it. This leads to a big Netflix question - will there be a Deaf U Season 2? Keep in mind Netflix, some years back, had a history with the Deaf Community as this media giant refused to caption their videos. We had to force them to caption, under the pain of a lawsuit.   -- a logo or a number code A New Jersey legislator introduced a bill to require state Motor Vehicle Commission to affix either a logo or a number code to indicate the drivers' deafness. This would make it easier for police officers to deal with the deaf. A logo or a number code? This would be the choice of the deaf driver. What is your choice?   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/04/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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