DeafDigest - 09 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 9, 2013   -- a champion deaf swimmer not allowed to become a lifeguard James Webster, a deaf British swimmer, has competed in the Deaflympics and is trying out for the hearing British swimming team that will compete at the Commonwealth Games. Needing a full time job, he wanted to enroll in a lifeguard training program, hoping to get a job as a lifeguard. The school told him he was not allowed to become a lifeguard because of his deafness. It didn't matter that he swims much faster than hearing lifeguards! He is very angry about it and the British newspaper wrote up a big story about it.     -- a deaf winner of a hearing Beauty Pageant When we talk about Beauty Pageants, we immediately think of Heather Whitestone, a deaf woman who was the 1995 Miss America Pageant winner. We do have several other deaf winners of hearing beauty pageants. And we do have the latest winner - Chui Yee Shia, a deaf woman who won the 2013 Miss Singapore Beauty Pageant. She plans to compete in other Pageants.     -- our angry deaf sports leaders much embarrassed by the Americans' poor showing at the recent Deaflympics, there is much talk of overhauling the USA Deaf Sports Federation (USADSF). Some want the basketball group to secede from the USADSF; some want the USADSF management replaced with new blood. Some also want the swimming group to secede. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months - because it all boils down to one thing - fund raising; if our best athletes cannot raise funds, they stay home. When they stay home, we lose on medals. And who is laughing very hard? The Paralympics group; they control the money and wanted deaf to join them and we have refused.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/08/13 Blue edition at: 09/08/13 Gold edition at:

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