DeafDigest - 09 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 9, 2016   -- no deaf actor in the Tribes play Theatre Cedar Rapids, in Iowa, was planning to show the all-time famous play "Tribes" featuring a deaf person dealing with a dysfunctional hearing family. The Artistic Director said he posted a casting call for a deaf actor. But no deaf actors showed up for the audition. Deaf people do not want to act? Don't know - but the artistic director said he only contacted one deaf organization, not bothering to contact all other deaf organizations in the state. The Iowa Association of the Deaf protested the idea of a hearing actor, knowing nothing about ASL to play a deaf role. Because of the backlash, the theatrical group is seriously considering cancelling the production! A picture is at:   -- a comment about Dunkin Donuts refusal to serve the deaf After reading the story yesterday about Dunkin Donuts refusing to serve a deaf regular customer because she couldn't use the voice kiosk, a comment from someone was this: I find it strange that Dunkin Donuta was doing this. Back during the eighties, Dunkin Donut sponsored local news closed captions in the Boston area and it continued for years! Dunkin Donuts corporate management quickly apologized for the manager's dumb act.   -- video to help with job hunting In Great Britain, a deaf man, with experience as dog groomer, lost his job because his boss passed away and the business closed. He was not successful in finding another dog grooming job. No one wanted to hire him because of his deafness. Not giving up, he produced a video of himself grooming a dog and has been showing it to dog grooming salons in his home town area. DeafDigest hopes he will succeed in getting a new dog grooming job.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- professional photographer, many magazine credits 09/04/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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