DeafDigest - 10 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 10, 2018 -- confusion: functionally hearing and functionally deaf A newspaper story about a deaf person said he was functionally deaf. Seems functionally hearing can be confusing. Both types indicate hearing losses - just that one mingles with hearing (functionally hearing) and one mingles with the deaf (functionally deaf). A picture is at:   -- hearing TV reporter and deaf photographer There was a story of Adair "A.J." Bayatpour, not deaf, a Milwaukee TV reporter, arrested for getting into a fight with another reporter during the Brewers-Cubs baseball game last night. Do we have deaf members of the media getting into fights while at work? No. Michael Pimentel, who is deaf, is one of the leading sports photographers in the San Francisco Bay area. Photographers race each other for better picture-taking locations. Fights? Pimentel said there are a lot of pushing around but never fights. Deaf behave better than hearing!   -- ADA "weak or joke" in Europe A deaf activist pointed out that the European Union basically ignores the needs of the deaf. Doing the counting of nations, the activist said that United Kingdom plus 19 other European nations have not obeyed the instructions from the European Parliament to give rights and needs of the deaf!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- one story, two national honors 04/08/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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