DeafDigest - 10 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 10, 2019 -- police arresting a deaf person six times without an interpreter It is quite shocking that the sheriff's office of Jacksonville, Florida arrested a deaf person six times without an interepreter. The fed up deaf person filed a lawsuit. As a result, the department has been trained on how to deal with the deaf.   -- offering deaf person a job and taking it away Rabbits love carrots and do not like it when these are offered and then taken away. Same thing with a deaf woman being offered a job to work in a hospital cafeteria. She waited two months for instructions to report to her new job only to get a letter saying she was a risk. She was considered a risk - "unable" to tell patients on costs of cafeteria meals and to "warn" them of temperature of drinks. This story made the front pages of newspapers in Great Britain. Fortunately for her she found another job with a catering company.     -- trapped and forced to smile and nod There was a discussion on the internet about hearing people assuming all deaf people are lipreaders and assume that when they nod and smile they "understand" everything. No deaf person likes to be trapped into a corner, with no way to get out of a "unlipreadable" ordeal.   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/07/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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