DeafDigest - 10 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 10, 2020 -- not really a self-taught interpreter A newspaper headline ran like this: Meet the self-taught ASL interpreter Self taught? In an interview the interpreter said he taught himself ASL by reading these ASL books. He later became friends with two ASL-signing deaf individuals and learned much of ASL from them. Even without formal certification he became an interpreter. Fortunately he became certified and is still interpreting!   -- "A Quiet Place" movie title makes no sense The title of that widely acclaimed Deaf Movie - A Quiet Place - makes no sense according to a movie critic. Deaf people can use voice even though hearing people do not understand what they are saying; deaf people can scream and yell, and all hearing people know what it is. And when deaf people furiously use their signs in anger, they are not quiet!   -- a Texas Ranger hall of famer Texas Rangers (not baseball) is sort of same as a state bureau of investigation. It investigates serious crimes that took place in the state. Anyway there is a Texas Ranger Hall of Fame, honoring its best fighters and investigators. One of the hall of famers is John Coffee Hays, who is not deaf. While learning to become a Ranger, he has thanked Deaf Smith for mentoring him with these tricks.   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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