DeafDigest - 10 August 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 10, 2011 -- Why was the Deaf Seniors of America Conference at
Chicago canceled at the very last minute?
Looking back, a bad trend may have been started by
the cancelled Deaflympics. Now it is Deaf Seniors of
America. Who knows - other future deaf national
conventions may be canceled? Bad times, bad economy,
and everyone is nervous about money, jobs and expenses.

-- Ed Garner is scary in Arkansas. Ed Garner, not deaf, is a legislator in Arkansas, and
he is hoping to win election to a seat in the state
senate. In the past, he opposed funding of Arkansas
School for the Deaf, wanting it to close.

-- Any famous hearing individuals that support deafness? Famous actor Michael Fox supports Parkinson's Disease,
famous basketball player Magic Johnson supports
HIV/AIDS, famous TV anchor Katie Couric supports
colon cancer, etc, etc.  Who supports deafness?
Do click and be surprised:
-- Some deaf people do not want interpreters in doctors'
Some deaf people require interpreters at doctors' offices;
some other deaf people do not want interpreters. A deaf
activist has this advice for those that do not want
interpreters. Bring your own notepad; do not ask the doctor
for his notepad. At the end of the appointment, you still
own your own notepad and you can bring it home to review
the notes. If you use doctors' notepad, it is their property
and they may refuse to give you the handwritten notes.

-- A different Deaf School in Manchester There is a Deaf School in Manchester, a working class
city in England. But it is not a Deaf School! It is the
name of a famous band. Why would this band call itself
the Deaf School? Good question!

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