DeafDigest - 10 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 10, 2016 -- Coda using Sign Language on First Dates A British Coda appeared on "First Dates" which is a popular British reality TV series. Matched up with a blind date, he used British Sign Language to indicate his fondness for his date. It backfired because the date was turned off and refused to date the Coda again! See the picture at:   -- a surprise at another truck driving school Yesterday's DeafDigest mentioned that a Texas truck driving school has had four deaf graduates. There is a surprise with a truck driving school in Kansas. A deaf man enrolled at that school; instead of hiring an interpreter, the school used the ASL-signing services of a deaf truck driver! Good or bad? The instructor would teach proper truck driving techniques. A truck driver (no matter deaf or hearing) may accidentally teach bad truck driving habits! Anyway, this deaf man is now making a living as a local truck driver.   -- a dying sign language in one state The Hawaiian Sign Language, thought to be extinct, was rediscovered in recent years by Linda Lambrecht, a native-born deaf Hawaiian. She is fighting two things to keep the language alive - skeptics that feel it is not worth the effort, and time, in a race to record the language on tape before the last native user departs us.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- ASL interpreter for ASL instructor 08/07/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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