DeafDigest - 10 August 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 10, 2017   -- a perfect deaf truck driver Do truck drivers drive perfectly? No, no such a thing as a perfect car driver or even of a perfect auto racer! Yet - Clint Homon, who is deaf, is perfect. He is a student at the Commercial Driver's License program at the College of DuPage in Illinois. He took exams on all aspects of this course - and received a perfect score! He said he was shocked about this perfect score. Let's hope he will get a high paying truck driving job once he completes his course. A picture is at:   -- a big reason why some hearing people attend interpreted plays There is a big reason why some hearing people attend interpreted plays. It is not to learn ASL - but to get fascinated by the moving beauty of these interpreted signs - even if they don't understand what these means. It is the same as deaf attending a musical concert and getting fascinated with conductor's use of hands - even though they do not hear music!   -- a waste of money for captions In New Zealand, the deaf have to fight to get movie and TV captions. Yet the parliamentary proceedings are captioned. Children's programs are also captioned. An activist complained that deaf adults are stuck with no captions because they do not watch parliamentary proceedings and also not watching children's programs!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- plants named after a deaf woman 8/06/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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