DeafDigest - 10 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 10, 2013 -- The big Netflix promise Netflix has already captioned over 80 percent of their videos. Their goal is 90 percent by 2013 (3 weeks left) and then 100 percent by 2014. What about new videos? Netflix says the future goal is "same time" captions; right now it is 30 days of waiting. One thing that Netflix won't promise - and it is serious - is video compatibility! What this means we risk seeing garbled captions or no captions on already captioned videos! If this happens, much of Netflix's efforts are wasted.   -- our immigrants and refugees Various data and information from the federal government are saying one thing - that some immigrant groups have higher numbers of deaf people! This will be a challenge for our schools, for vocational rehabilitation people and social workers. What about our Deaf Community? Just wait and see.   -- the deaf people with the terrible Meniere's Disease Many older deaf people suffer from temporary Meniere's Disease. It causes feelings of dizziness, which may or may not go away quickly. Is there a cure for it? Researchers at University of Colorado School of Medicine are saying they know what causes it - something to do with low blood flow in the brain. Cure? For now, no cure but the hope is that it will be found in the future. Best cure right now is to lie down on bed until the dizziness goes away. Sometimes it takes few minutes; sometimes it takes few hours.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/08/13 Blue edition at: 12/08/13 Gold edition at:

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