DeafDigest - 10 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 10, 2015 -- newspaper employing 100 deaf people Today's Washington Post mentioned that years ago 100 deaf people were employed at that newspaper plant at linotype operators. No more; years ago linotype was a great profession for the deaf - lifetime security, great union benefits, good pay, etc. For a picture of an old linotype classroom at a school for the deaf:     -- Canada scolds an airline Two years ago Carrie Moffatt, who is deaf-blind but very independent, was kicked out of Air Canada flight. The airline required all deaf-blind people to have companions, and Carrie was traveling alone. She sued - and won. The judge ordered Air Canada to allow deaf-blind travelers to travel alone.   -- deaf man arrested for trespassing At Broward County (Florida) Home Depot. a deaf man was standing at a parking lot, hoping to find work. The cop arrived and told him to leave. But before he had a chance to leave he was arrested and accused of trespassing. His attorney is very angry about it, accusing the police of discrimination.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 12/6/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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