DeafDigest - 10 December 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 10, 2019 -- video on interpreter program student not captioned DeafDigest editor was watching a Lifetime cable TV movie last night. During the commercial, there was a video about an interpreting program student explaining her goals and ambitions. That short commercial was not captioned! A cruel irony? Yes. The hashmark on that commercial was # see hear. The Lifetime movies, however, are always captioned.   -- just ask the deaf An advocate said: How to make museums more accessible for disabled people? Ask them! That advocate is correct. Hearing people should never decide what is best for the deaf without asking the deaf first. For some reason, they just don't ask the deaf!   -- deaf characters in The Walking Dead The Walking Dead came up with its midseason final episode. Involved were Connie and Kelly, both deaf (but functioning as hearing) facing problems and issues during the episode. Will have to wait until February 2020 to see what happens!     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/08/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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