DeafDigest - 10 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 10, 2019 -- these troubling Dunkin' Donut incident versions The bad incident at Dunkin' Donuts should never have happened. Did the hearing person at the drive in window panic and "lock up" upon dealing with a deaf driver and then going into panic mode? Did the deaf driver appear to show provocation, rather subtly, goading the hearing person into bad behavior? Or was it the case of two wrongs not making a right? DeafDigest editor, over the years, has dealt with many ugly incidents (restaurants, pharmacies, supermarkets, etc) but these never escalated into a 911 police situation.   -- difficulty in finding jobs There was a story of a deaf woman spending five hours a day looking for jobs and having dealt with 1,000 rejections. Jobs are often not that easy to find - but there may be some creative ways. Examples are moving to another town where jobs are easier to find; personal network where word of job vacancies get around; making personal contacts with some important people at conferences and events; applying for these hard-to-fill jobs, etc. DeafDigest just hopes that deaf woman would eventually find a job.   -- a strange fear during hearing tests There are some people that have these hearing test fears - that the audiologist would insert a needle into the ear or that they would be required to take off their clothes! A joke? Well, this is what DeafDigest editor read in a surprising post.     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/06/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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