DeafDigest - 10 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 10, 2020 -- ESPN continues with insults for 2nd day Two days ago Woody Paige sort of insulted the deaf in his talk-show. And now this - Kirk Herbstreit posted a tweet that said: You’re either deaf or don’t have closed caption. Or better yet you DO HAVE closed caption and can’t read Again, as with Paige, was Herbstreit joking or just being serious with his ill-advised comment?   -- automobiles many years ago The automobiles, many years ago, had bells that would inform hearing drivers that they forgot to take their key out when parking their cars. It helped the hearing, but did not help the deaf - especially these "lock outs."   -- reason some TV stations do not show interpreters If interpreters are shown next to speakers, then deaf people can see the signing. But if interpreters are moved off the stage, then TV stations may not show it - reason is that these news program directors want to give attention to the  stage speakers. This is a disappointing reason.   Deaf jobs - latest update 01/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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