DeafDigest - 10 July 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 10, 2013 -- FCC killing off these Internet Relay providers? Just few months ago we had about six Internet Relay providers (different from video relay providers). Now we just have two providers. Why? Reduced FCC fees made it not profitable for the providers to continue with internet relay calls. As a result, they close this service. FCC good for us with captions but possibly not good for us with internet relay providers?   -- deaf attorneys not doing pro bono (free) work for low income deaf? A deaf attorney, who does some pro bono work on behalf of the deaf, wonders how many deaf attorneys in private practice do pro bono work? He thinks most don't. In fact, one national organization of the deaf has its legal work done at no cost by deaf attorneys that are members!   -- An amazing deaf woman Elizabeth Galvan is a deaf resident of Fargo, North Dakota. She served 4 years as a lifeguard despite being told deaf cannot be lifeguards. She drives a car; she stocks boxes and other stuff at Walmart. And she will compete along with her hearing daughter at the Dream Girls USA nationals pageant. She also serves as a mentor for younger hearing girls. Why is it so amazing? She has one arm!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 07/7/13 Blue edition at: 07/7/13 Gold edition at:

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