DeafDigest - 10 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 9, 2018 -- Supreme Court nominee and the deaf Brett Kavanaugh has been nominated to become the Supreme Court nominee. He has one connection to the deaf, but it is not a happy one. In 2008, he ruled against a deaf man who filed a job discriminatioh lawsuit in the District of Columbia. A picture is at:   -- fired for yelling at boss A deaf person was fired for yelling at the boss, only that it was not yelling. It is common knowledge that deaf people speak louder than hearing people. Deaf people can't hear and therefore cannot control the volume of their voices - even if it was just a notch above normal voice volume. Hearing bosses do not know it unless they went through a deaf awareness training workshop.   -- Frontier Airlines says no to interpreter request A deaf couple booked a flight on Frontier Airlines, wanting to celebrate their grandson's first birthday. Their flight was canceled and the Frontier people would not tell them why nor help them find another flight. Their request for an interpreter was refused. It was learned that Frontier Airlines did not know of the availability of an on-call interpreter at the airport plus availability of a video relay service. Frontier said the deaf couple did not identify themselves as deaf (in other words - too bad!)   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- ticket sellers are deaf 07/08/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:     -- Opportunity for interested football coaches go to: and scroll down a little until you see the posting

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