DeafDigest - 10 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 10, 2019 -- sign language required Cirque du Soleil is a well known entertainment group, consisting of at least 50 entertainers (acrobats, musicians, singers and actors). They come from all parts of the world and many of them struggle with spoken English. They communicate very well with each other via international sign language as well as with body language and gestures. That group had a deaf performer.   -- deaf leader warns that deaf vote is useless vote A deaf leader warned his people that if they vote in public elections just to make sure their votes are not useless. He was referring to access to hearing candidates on their election promises and issues!   -- hospital ignores interpreter A deaf person was admitted to the Kaiser South Sacramento Hospital. Despite being provided with an interpreter, the hospital staff "ignored" the interpreting services, thus cutting off communications with the deaf patient. A lawsuit came up, and the deaf patient won. A big mystery - why would the hospital totally ignore the interpreter?     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/07/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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