DeafDigest - 10 June 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 10, 2013 -- Why police delays with some deaf text 911 emergency calls? A big reason for some police delays in responding to deaf 911 emergency calls is that it takes as much as 17 minutes to collect information from the deaf. For the hearing it may take between two and five minutes!   -- Attitude by hearing towards deaf worse now than past? Steven King, not deaf, is the Director of Durham University Centre for Medical Studies (Great Britain). He said hearing people treated deaf better in past than today. He explained that there were more disabled people in the past than now. In the past hearing people were so used to many disabled people around and treated them better. DeafDigest finds it surprising and hard to believe!   -- A deaf bus driver stopped by the police Sund Ogunola, a deaf bus driver, was stopped by the police on a traffic violation - he was driving the bus in the lane that was not reserved for buses. The police was shocked to find out he was deaf and been driving a bus for 14 years without a license. Even the passengers did not know he was deaf. It happened in Lagos, Nigeria.     06/09/13 Blue edition at: 06/09/13 Gold edition at:

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