DeafDigest - 10 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 10, 2014   -- state agency took children away because mother was deaf The Vermont Department for Children and Families is in big trouble with angry state senators for taking away children from families. One case involved children being taken away from a deaf mother. Why? Because of mother's deafness! The special legislative panel is looking into these issues, including that of the deaf mother.   -- does CI reduce the deaf person's vision? Dan Stolzberg, not deaf, is a graduate student at Canada's Western's Brain and Mind Institute. He won a fellowship from the Canadian Institute of Health Research to research the CI. He is interested in knowing if a CI will reduce a deaf person's wide vision range! This research is not part of Usher sydrome though some people may think it is.   -- a lucky deaf homeless man A deaf man, homeless and jobless in Winnipeg, handed out his resumes to strangers in downtown. A hearing couple read the resume and quickly posted it on the Facebook. All of sudden there were many comments and shares. He received some job offers and accepted a new job - as a house painter. While he has been living in a Salvation Army shelter, the couple has promised to try to find an apartment for him!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/08/14 Blue edition at: 06/08/14 Gold edition at:  

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