DeafDigest - 10 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 10, 2015 morning -- Two special interpreter request cards It is always that many health care professionals struggle when a deaf patient comes. Four British social service organizations came up with two special cards that the deaf patients carry with them at all times. One card says: I am deaf. I need a British Sign Language interpreter for all appointments please Other card (for staff) says: Do you know how to find an interpreter? Please search your organization website for listing of interpreters Do we have something like that in USA? Good question!   -- Two nations involved in a Cochlear war Among deaf rugby players in Australia and New Zealand, there is a Cochlear War. Actually it is Cochlear Cup - which goes to the winner of the annual rugby match between teams from both nations. New Zealand's The Deaf Blacks will play against Australia's Silent Knights for this honor. Why Cochlear Cup? Because the sponsor of this annual battle is Cochlear, the huge Australian corporation. And there is a bit of irony - many deaf New Zealanders are complaining that they are not getting the CIs that they want!     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 6/07/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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